Bronnie Ware, an Austrailian palliative care nurse discovered the top five regrets of the dying while working closely with patients in their last 12 weeks of life. Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom.
The top 5 regrets of her dying
patients are as follows:
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true
to myself, and not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I stayed in touch with friends.
5. I wish I allowed myself to be happier.
Now, which of the top 5 regrets struck a nerve for you? was it one, or all of the regrets that you can relate to? You may be feeling a little down thinking about this delicate subject matter, but I've got great news; you are still alive! You can still accomplish your bucket list, contact old friends or work less. So take a moment to think about your death every day. Ask yourself; if I died tomorrow, what would I regret? How would I want to spend the last days/ months/ years of my precious time on earth? And then start doing those things. You always had, and always will have the authority to create whatever kind of life you want while you are still here. What a vibrant and freeing thought that you could live a life you love, enabling you to die without regrets. There's still time to make changes, so get out there and live!
Now, which of the top 5 regrets struck a nerve for you? was it one, or all of the regrets that you can relate to? You may be feeling a little down thinking about this delicate subject matter, but I've got great news; you are still alive! You can still accomplish your bucket list, contact old friends or work less. So take a moment to think about your death every day. Ask yourself; if I died tomorrow, what would I regret? How would I want to spend the last days/ months/ years of my precious time on earth? And then start doing those things. You always had, and always will have the authority to create whatever kind of life you want while you are still here. What a vibrant and freeing thought that you could live a life you love, enabling you to die without regrets. There's still time to make changes, so get out there and live!

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