Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mindful Eating for Body, Mind and Spirit

Winter has arrived in the beautiful Shuswap, and chilly weather has most of us craving heavy and filling foods like creamy pasta casserole, warm cinnamon buns, pumpkin spice lattes and rich beef stews. Many dieters have an especially difficult time sticking to their eating plans this time of year, and let's face it, who doesn't love to indulge in thanksgiving leftovers, Halloween treats and Christmas baking? Well fear not, the mindful eating practice covered in this article will not ask you to forgo eating any of your cold weather favorites. In fact, when it comes to eating for weight Ioss (without other health complications) I say down with restrictive diets all together! 
So what is this healthy eating without dieting you ask? This is an ancient technique that has very practical implications today. This ritual encourages you to say yes to food according to your body's needs. Mindful eating is eating with intention and attention. 
Eating with the intention of nourishing your body
Eating with the attention necessary for noticing and enjoying your food and its effects on your body. 
Sounds easy right? Not so fast..... Mindful eating is easy once you've trained yourself to have self awareness, and it may take some time to develop consciousness around what you eat. Once you develop this skill, you can say good bye to crash diets, guilt and obesity. 
In today's world, we eat for a multitude of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with intention of nourishment or attention to effects on our bodies.  We eat to curb stress, because we're lonely, because we're nutrient deficient and addicted to carbs and fat. Eating is often mindless consuming and guilt inducing. 
How do you start the journey to eating mindfully? By understanding your food triggers and then creating space between the trigger and your reaction to it. This practice develops your response-ability, or your ability to respond thoughtfully to your food trigger. Before eating, ask yourself these questions:
Am I hungry?
How do I feel?
Why do I eat?
When do I want to eat?
What do I eat?
How do I eat?
How much do I eat?
Where do I invest my consumed energy?

These questions will help you to determine your food habits and patterns, which is the first step on your mindful eating journey. Stay tuned for my December article, where we'll discuss more mindful eating strategies and I'll teach you a hands on exercise to help your mindful eating journey. 

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Zumba Fitness/ yoga Instructor
Facebook: Zumba,yoga & wellness with Jenn

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Gift of Self Care This Christmas

Often times in life, we put our wants needs and desires behind those of our families, friends, bosses and neighbors. Most of us do this act of self sacrifice because we want to be the best version of ourselves for our loved ones, and Christmas is prime time to think about others. We have been told to be unselfish. We have been taught to give everything to our families. We have been told that the way to show that we care is by caring for those around us before caring for ourselves, and if we do this, we will feel fulfilled. But, I say down with self sacrifice this holiday season! Putting ourselves last over and over again actually works in the opposite way we think it's going to. This behavior only depletes us and creates resentment when we neglect our own needs. Make this Christmas a time of balance. As we are focused on gifts, activities, cooking, decorating and baking, let's reduce stress and engage in daily acts of self love. 
As a fairly new mom, I have diligently cared for my baby every single day for nearly 2 years. I have skipped meals, showers and social functions to tend to the needs and whims of my son. More days than I care to admit, I've been a walking zombie. I forget to do important chores, I've felt stressed, tired and maxed out most days. I've really neglected myself in pursuit of being a great mom. But here's the funny part; I was a better mom on days when I placed myself at the top of my to do list. On those very rare occasions when I had a massage or allowed myself a relaxing long shower, I had more quality time and energy to give to my family. You see, we cannot pour from an empty cup. We must take care of ourselves first, and fill up our own cup if we want to show up fully for others. Right here and now I give you full permission to take care of yourself; have a relaxing cup of tea, give yourself a neck massage or call up a good friend. Put the demands of work, responsibility and holiday expectations aside for 5 minutes and be good to yourself..... Guilt free! These small acts of self care will leave you feeling more like giving to your loved ones. Fill your own cup first, and your cup will overflow with love and giving to others this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Zumba Fitness & Yoga instructor

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Want to Reduce Wrinkles Naturally? Read On.... Seriously

I've been on a quest to maintain youthful skin since my Nanny taught me the importance of teeth and skin. As she said: "you're stuck with teeth and skin for the rest of your life. Do everything you can to take care of them" and so I did everything I could to ensure that my skin; my lifelong partner, would be my ally.  I took care in the sun, and began wearing sunscreen on my face daily at 25 years old. I got lazer treatments and glycolic acid peels starting at 27 years old, and I'm fortunate to have a relative who works in the cosmetic industry, as I've been the lucky recipient of various complimentary high end skin care products. The problem with topical skin products is that they are only effective in penetrating the top dermal layers, and are limited in their effectiveness. Deep, penetrating skin correction is an inside job, which is why this awesome method makes so much sense. 
While I've been diligent in my attempts to keep my skin youthful, I've had to face the reality that collagen begins to break down after 30 and genetics and lifestyle also play a role in how young a person looks. Of all the skin care methods I've tried, this tip I'm about to share with you is the easiest, most natural and effective tool I've used to decrease the appearance of fine lines. And the bonus is, it also helps with digestion, toxin removal and it works on a DNA level to prevent future premature aging. 
So, what is this miracle anti-aging potion? Aloe Vera Gel.
In a study published in the journal Annals of Dermatology in 2009, healthy female subjects over the age of 45, and who received two different oral doses (low-dose: 1,200 mg/d, high-dose: 3,600 mg/d) of aloe vera gel supplementation for 90 days, saw remarkable results. The researchers measured clinical signs and biochemical changes of aging skin before and after supplementation and found that,

"After aloe gel intake, the facial wrinkles improved significantly in both groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower-dose group...Aloe gel significantly improves wrinkles and elasticity in photoaged skin"

After reading this study, I had to try it for myself to believe it, and I'm hooked! I started to notice that my wrinkles were becoming less noticeable at the 2.5 month mark, and the evidence came for me when my unsuspecting boyfriend out of the blue said "it looks like your wrinkles are going away" 

If you would like to try this awesome wrinkle reducer, you can use gel from the plant, or organic aloe juice to see these phenomenal results. Go ahead and try this safe and effective practice for yourself, your body and skin will thank you. 

 Naturally? Read On.... Seriously

I've been on a quest to maintain youthful skin since my Nanny taught me the importance of teeth and skin. As she said: "you're stuck with teeth and skin for the rest of your life. Do everything you can to take care of them" and so I did everything I could to ensure that my skin; my lifelong partner, would be my ally.  I took care in the sun, and began wearing sunscreen on my face daily at 25 years old. I got lazer treatments and glycolic acid peels starting at 27 years old, and I'm fortunate to have a relative who works in the cosmetic industry, as I've been the lucky recipient of various complimentary high end skin care products. The problem with topical skin products is that they are only effective in penetrating the top dermal layers, and are limited in their effectiveness. Deep, penetrating skin correction is an inside job, which is why this awesome method makes so much sense. 
While I've been diligent in my attempts to keep my skin youthful, I've had to face the reality that collagen begins to break down after 30 and genetics and lifestyle also play a role in how young a person looks. Of all the skin care methods I've tried, this tip I'm about to share with you is the easiest, most natural and effective tool I've used to decrease the appearance of fine lines. And the bonus is, it also helps with digestion, toxin removal and it works on a DNA level to prevent future premature aging. 
So, what is this miracle anti-aging potion? Aloe Vera Gel.
In a study published in the journal Annals of Dermatology in 2009, healthy female subjects over the age of 45, and who received two different oral doses (low-dose: 1,200 mg/d, high-dose: 3,600 mg/d) of aloe vera gel supplementation for 90 days, saw remarkable results. The researchers measured clinical signs and biochemical changes of aging skin before and after supplementation and found that,

"After aloe gel intake, the facial wrinkles improved significantly in both groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower-dose group...Aloe gel significantly improves wrinkles and elasticity in photoaged skin"

After reading this study, I had to try it for myself to believe it, and I'm hooked! I started to notice that my wrinkles were becoming less noticeable at the 2.5 month mark, and the evidence came for me when my unsuspecting boyfriend out of the blue said "it looks like your wrinkles are going away" 

If you would like to try this awesome wrinkle reducer, you can use gel from the plant, or organic aloe juice to see these phenomenal results. Go ahead and try this safe and effective practice for yourself, your body and skin will thank you. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mindful Eating to Fuel Your Body, Mind and Spirit- Part 1

Fall has arrived in the beautiful Shuswap, and chilly weather has most of us craving heavy and filling foods like creamy pasta casserole, warm cinnamon buns, pumpkin spice lattes and rich beef stews. Many dieters have an especially difficult time sticking to their eating plans this time of year, and let's face it, who doesn't love to indulge in thanksgiving leftovers, Halloween treats and Christmas baking? Well fear not, the mindful eating practice covered in this article will not ask you to forgo eating any of your cold weather favorites. In fact, when it comes to eating for weight Ioss (without other health complications) I say down with restrictive diets all together! 
So what is this healthy eating without dieting you ask? 
This is an ancient technique that has very practical implications today. This ritual encourages you to say yes to food according to your body's needs. Mindful eating is eating with intention and attention. 
Eating with the intention of nourishing your body
Eating with the attentionnecessary for noticing and enjoying your food and its effects on your body. 

Sounds easy right? Not so fast..... Mindful eating is easy once you've trained yourself to have self awareness, and it may take some time to develop consciousness around what you eat. Once you develop this skill, you can say good bye to crash diets, guilt and obesity. 
In today's world, we eat for a multitude of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with intention of nourishment or attention to effects on our bodies.  We eat to curb stress, because we're lonely, because we're nutrient deficient and addicted to carbs and fat. Eating is often mindless consuming and guilt inducing. 
How do you start the journey to eating mindfully? By understanding your food triggers and then creating space between the trigger and your reaction to it. This practice develops your response-ability, or your ability to respond thoughtfully to your food trigger. Before eating, ask yourself these questions:
Am I hungry?
How do I feel?
Why do I eat?
When do I want to eat?
What do I eat?
How do I eat?
How much do I eat?
Where do I invest my consumed energy?

These questions will help you to determine your food habits and patterns, which is the first step on your mindful eating journey. Stay tuned for my December article, where we'll discuss more mindful eating strategies and I'll teach you a hands on exercise to help your mindful eating journey. 

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Zumba Fitness/ yoga Instructor
Facebook: Zumba,yoga & wellness with Jenn


Monday, June 29, 2015

Empower Yourself to Change Your Life Now

Feeling stuck or sorry for yourself in any aspect of your life? Does the phrase why is this happening to me sound like the script you are playing in your head? If you are surfing the wave of victim mentality, and feel trapped in a predicament, this is a sure fire way to help you gain control of your board on the wake. The following questions are similar to the questions most of us ask when we have experienced something undesirable:
Why did I loose my job?
Why doesn't my relationship fulfill me?
Why have I gained 20 pounds?
Why are my finances in disarray?
While these questions are valid, they all have something in common; they are passive, and keeping you stuck in victim mentality. In victim mentality you blame and stay small. 
In order to create positive changes in your career, love life, health or finances, you must allow yourself to take charge of your life, own your part in the situation and ask empowering questions to move you forward. Allow me to throw you a paddle on the rocky sea of life here, and let you in on a very simple and effective life coaching technique that, when applied to your life will be a full on game changer. The strategy is to simply replace your whys with whats and hows. Let's revisit our why questions that keep us stuck, and change them to empowering how and what sentences as an example. 
Replace why did I loose my job with: what can I do today to find employment OR how can I use this loss as an opportunity for growth?
Replace why doesn't my relationship fulfill me with: what can I do today to reconnect with my partner OR what would it take for me to feel fulfilled in my relationship?
Replace why have I gained 20 pounds with: how did my lifestyle choices contribute to weight gain, and what can I do to loose the weight?
Replace why are my finances in disarray with: what steps can I take to gain control of my financial situation?
As you can see, by replacing why questions, you automatically assume responsibility for creating change, and you are thrown into action mode. You have taken your complaints to the next phase of problem solving. You have given yourself the power to get unstuck. Go ahead and give this technique a try today. Apply how and what questions to any dilemma you are having, and watch how the situation and your energy shifts. Free yourself from the stagnant, pesky whys and free yourself to create a life you love. 

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor
Yoga instructor

On Jun 22, 2015, at 7:36 PM, Kicker <kicker@kicker.ca> wrote:

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How Cleaning Out My Closet Cleared My Mind

I've always been a fan of efficiency, and finding ways to be happier and healthier is my life mission. Which is why I'm so excited to share my latest unexpected wellness hack that has truly transformed my life. I'm hoping that you too will experience profound change by incorporating this minimalist approach to your physical and mental well being. 
Have you ever noticed certain influential people wearing the same or similar outfit every time you see them? (Think Barack Obama, the late Steve Jobs or Mark Zukerberg) These high power people don their "uniforms" intentionally to conserve their creative energy for the tasks in their day that are more important than choosing an outfit. When I discovered this efficient trick, I thought "I could be on board with any idea that could provide me with more energy to do more important stuff as a busy mom and entrepreneur" so I dug a little deeper and discovered that a minimalist movement is happening all over the world, whereby people are building capsule wardrobes. A capsule wardrobe is simply a small wardrobe (usually between 20-40 pieces per season including shoes and jackets) where each piece can be worn interchangeably with every other piece. For the record, the idea of reducing my wardrobe to 40 pieces terrified me, but I know from experience that the things that scare me are usually the things worth doing. Creating a capsule encourages you to define your personal style, understand cuts and colours that work for you and best of all, it helps you remove the clutter in your closet that no longer serves you (and subsequently some of the clutter in your head) The general guidelines for creating your capsule are to try on every item in your closet and ask yourself three questions:
1. Does this fit? Is the colour flattering? Is the cut right for my body?
2. Is this piece right for my lifestyle and the season?
3. Does this piece excite me? Do I feel happy when I wear it?
You should be able to answer a definitive yes to all three questions when you keep an article of clothing in your closet. 
During my research I found that the capsule wardrobe enthusiasts promised more time, less stress, greater self understanding and more creativity throughout the day. Did this sound good to me? Heck yes it did! So I spent 4 days intentionally creating my 40 piece spring wardrobe. Let me tell you, this was not an easy task for me; I've been a clothing hoarder of sorts since I can remember. With total apprehension, I chose to delete the expensive purse I've been holding onto for 4 years unused, and I removed my "just in case I need a conservative dress for someone's child's baptism" frock. I subtracted so many items that didn't fit me or my lifestyle that I ended up with 2 overflowing garbage bags full of stuff. 
Were the enthusiasts right about the feeling of freedom I would have when I cut the clutter? Oh yes, and then some. While every persons journey is different, I personally feel completely liberated. I have received more compliments on my appearance than ever before. I feel calm and in control when I'm in my walk in closet. It takes me literally 60 seconds to choose a fabulous outfit. I am always excited by the clothing I'm wearing. I have more time. I feel like my life as a whole is more simple. When deciding to embark on this journey, I had no idea that something so seemingly superficial would have such a positive impact on my life. I feel like more as a person by having less in my drawers, which is definitely a great trade off for a bit of fear and apprehension. 
For more info on capsule wardrobe planning, visit: www.project333.com. 
Happy decluttering! 

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor
Yoga instructor

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lacking Something in Your Life? Here's an Abundance Experiment to Try

I'm the type of person who likes scientifically backed ideas, and I have a hard time embracing concepts without sound supporting evidence. I also note however, that science is never absolute. Science is constantly changing based on new studies, and it is fluid by it's very nature. For example, in a recent study, a team of cardiologists reviewed the most prestigious scientific journals from 20 years ago to review the relevance of the material according to the current understanding of heart health. These doctors found that only 50% of the information published was relevant according to today's accepted knowledge. 

You might be asking yourself at this point how science and cardiology have anything to do with personal abundance, and I have to admit, for the purpose of this article they don't. I'm merely pointing out the fact that sometimes the ideas we accept as truth can be revised, and we can experiment with new ideas and theories to find ways of being that work for us. 

The idea I'm proposing may be counter intuitive to everything you believe, and I can understand as I once was of the opinion that the more you clung to your assets, the more you would accumulate. I have changed this attitude through self reflection and studying Buddhist philosophy and metaphysics. After my learning and applying the principles, I have personally found that the more I give away, the more I receive. Now I know the argument here is: My aunt Martha didn't give away a cent in her life, and she died a wealthy woman! And I get it. The trick here is, you don't have to give away money. In order to receive abundance, you need to give abundance. Think of Newtons law; every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Or you could think in terms of karma; what goes around, comes back around. According to expanding knowledge of the way energy works, everything is an exchange of energy, and your energetic vibration attracts the same energy back. If you play the lottery, and gamble your time and money in hopes of receiving something in return, why not take a chance and give something away freely on the off chance of receiving something great? I know that we shouldn't give with an expectation of receiving, but for this experiment, we all get a hall pass. 

There is a social movement happening, whereby thousands of people have accepted and acted on a challenge, which has been spawned by the book 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. 

I am proposing a similar challenge to you: intentionally give something away for 29 days. What you give away is up to you, but the intention must be set every day to give something of value to someone. Some giveaway examples could be: laughs, teaching a skill, donating to charity, a back rub, coffee to the person behind you at the drive through etc. Once you start giving abundantly, notice what you are receiving. Whether you are reading this article and thinking it's awesome, or thinking it's ridiculous, there's only one way to know for sure..... Go ahead and give the 29 day challenge a try, the worst thing that will happen is finding pure joy in the act of giving. 

Jennifer Szabo

Transformational Wellness Coach

Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor

Yoga instructor

Monday, March 9, 2015

Doctors Called Him a Medical Miracle. Here's How Mark Auger Beat Terminal Cancer.

When I heard the news that my high school friend Mark Auger beat inoperable terminal cancer at age 32, I had to find out how. I interviewed Mark, and discovered that he was given a prognosis of 0% chance of ever being cancer free. Mark wasn't ready to give up though and alongside his traditional treatment (which was estimated to be under 40% effective, if at all) there were 4 other key complimentary components that he believes led him to total mind, body and spirit wellness. 

1. Making the decision to beat cancer, and working intentionally every day to maintain unwavering positivity. "I asked the universe for a miracle, and I believed I would receive one." Mark took an intense inward journey to find mental calmness and peace. "Intention is such a powerful thing. I created an intention of healing, love and hope," Mark professes. "Of course I had down days, and that's when my family would step in and hold the hope for me; they believed in my miracle."  During this challenging time, Mark relied on the powerful mantra: "You can't control the waves, but you can learn to surf."

2. Changing his diet. Mark transitioned to a raw, vegan, nutrient dense diet. "It's amazing how much energy you have when you are taking care of your body."  Mark's new eating plan was full of cancer healing antioxidants and alkaline foods. 

3. Working with healers. Healers showed up in Marks life, and with perfect serendipity they helped him on his journey. "I decided to make choices based in love rather than fear" It was scary to walk through some of these doors, but I let love lead the way." With the help of these amazing wellness mentors, Mark began exercising daily, meditating, incorporating Buddhist philosophy, creating positive affirmations, and receiving energy work daily. 

4. Support  from family and close friends. "I really believe the support from my family pulled me through cancer. They never saw another option besides healing, which helped me stay focused and strong."

Mark has been cancer free for four years, which has been called a medical miracle by his physician. These days Mark has been keeping up his active and healthy lifestyle, and he is giving back to his community through organizing wellness fairs. The proceeds of these events fund a non profit organization that Mark founded for at risk youth and children in need. "I realized through this process that life is about giving back, I want to help others and help them create positive change in their lives." 
To learn more about Mark Auger, Transformational Wellness Coach, and how he's helping his community, visit: www.inspiringconsciousbeginnings.ca