Monday, June 29, 2015

Empower Yourself to Change Your Life Now

Feeling stuck or sorry for yourself in any aspect of your life? Does the phrase why is this happening to me sound like the script you are playing in your head? If you are surfing the wave of victim mentality, and feel trapped in a predicament, this is a sure fire way to help you gain control of your board on the wake. The following questions are similar to the questions most of us ask when we have experienced something undesirable:
Why did I loose my job?
Why doesn't my relationship fulfill me?
Why have I gained 20 pounds?
Why are my finances in disarray?
While these questions are valid, they all have something in common; they are passive, and keeping you stuck in victim mentality. In victim mentality you blame and stay small. 
In order to create positive changes in your career, love life, health or finances, you must allow yourself to take charge of your life, own your part in the situation and ask empowering questions to move you forward. Allow me to throw you a paddle on the rocky sea of life here, and let you in on a very simple and effective life coaching technique that, when applied to your life will be a full on game changer. The strategy is to simply replace your whys with whats and hows. Let's revisit our why questions that keep us stuck, and change them to empowering how and what sentences as an example. 
Replace why did I loose my job with: what can I do today to find employment OR how can I use this loss as an opportunity for growth?
Replace why doesn't my relationship fulfill me with: what can I do today to reconnect with my partner OR what would it take for me to feel fulfilled in my relationship?
Replace why have I gained 20 pounds with: how did my lifestyle choices contribute to weight gain, and what can I do to loose the weight?
Replace why are my finances in disarray with: what steps can I take to gain control of my financial situation?
As you can see, by replacing why questions, you automatically assume responsibility for creating change, and you are thrown into action mode. You have taken your complaints to the next phase of problem solving. You have given yourself the power to get unstuck. Go ahead and give this technique a try today. Apply how and what questions to any dilemma you are having, and watch how the situation and your energy shifts. Free yourself from the stagnant, pesky whys and free yourself to create a life you love. 

Jennifer Szabo
Transformational Wellness Coach
Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor
Yoga instructor

On Jun 22, 2015, at 7:36 PM, Kicker <> wrote:

Hi Everyone,


Please send your articles for the July Kicker asap.  We have space reserved for you.






Tracy Wojciechowski

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